The Big-Picture Approach to Treatment

Let’s talk in a little more detail about the high-level aspects or steps of the process before we dive into the daily regimen. When you read the Protocol post, things may seem overwhelming; it’s important to note that you don’t have to do everything for the entire duration of your treatment. The main detox happens in the initial stages and this is where you concentrate on things like saunas, colonics, chelation, etc. — after that you switch to maintenance detox, which is keeping liver and kidneys in order, cleansing the toxins out with enemas, continuing with citrus pectin and chlorella, and so on. Antiparasitics are also taken for several weeks each — and so forth. The idea is to build your personal regimen gradually, make sure that the supplements you take correspond to the steps below, and decrease or remove those whose purpose has been served. Trying to do everything at once is daunting and can easily turn you off the holistic path altogether — try to avoid this trap.

Identify core issues or “splinters”

Technically speaking, you can start your treatment without this step, since you must detoxify the body, improve your immune system, and do the rest of the steps below in any case. However, identifying the specific underlying issues you are facing will help you fine-tune your approach and achieve better outcomes faster.

This step is not as simple as it may seem, though. For instance, neither blood nor urine tests correctly reflect heavy metal toxicity. Hair analysis and the Quantum Magnetic Analyzer are a lot more reliable in this sense. There are blood tests that will show if you have an active or inactive EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) infection, which is a major contributor to lymphomas, for instance; however, other toxicity causes, e.g. pesticides, will not necessarily show as they may be confined to certain organs in the body, and EMF toxicity will not show on any of the above. Another of rather important physical causes of cancers (and low immunity in general) seem to be root canals and addressing them could be an important part of your treatment.

In general, a better way to identify these systemic “splinters” (using Dr. Gerald Smith’s terminology), including EMF toxicity, is to use a biofeedback/bio-resonance system, such as the Spooky2 Scalar or Contact scan, a Sensitiv Imago device, or, with somewhat lower accuracy, an AmpCoil device. These provide accurate results based on the unique frequency rates at which each substance, including heavy metals, pesticides, and infections, vibrates.

Difficult, stubborn health conditions – just like all difficult and stubborn conditions – frequently have a metaphysical component to them and do not originate in the present lifetime. A past life regression with a reputable specialist can provide crucial insights into the psychological reasons for the disease and the changes that must be made to resolve it.

If you are unable to find the “splinters”, you can of course still treat the cancer successfully by targeting the pathways that your particular manifestation of it carries; however, if you don’t address the true causes of the disease (physical and, perhaps more importantly, psychological/spiritual), there is nothing stopping it from recurring. This is one reason why the medical profession talks about remissions rather than cures: since they never address the true causes of illnesses (their official focus being “management of symptoms”), their “treatments” are virtually guaranteed to result in a recurrence.

The second, far more insidious and far more important reason they talk about remissions (including the highly euphemistic “spontaneous remissions” — something that used to be known as “cures” 100 years ago) is that they want people to forget that cures are possible at all and thus buy into their false narrative that all you can do is manage symptoms and, in the best case, buy yourself a temporary respite once in a while in the form of a “remission”.

Detoxify the liver and kidneys

For me personally, this wasn’t an issue as early blood work showed both to be working just fine. However, for most people this probably won’t be the case.

To prepare the body for the elimination of massive amounts of toxins and pathogens, these two need to be in at least a minimally optimal condition.

Unfortunately, I do not have personal supplement suggestions for kidney support since I didn’t need any, however, there is plenty of information available on the internet and in books — for instance, refer to Dr. Smith’s research on the Resources page, or check out this page for suggestions.

For liver support, I used this formula as it proved its worth in practice by normalizing a friend’s fatty liver in literally a couple of months. I also used hot packs for 20-30 mins a couple of times a day, preferably first rubbing some castor oil on the liver area (messy, yes, but very helpful). Other supplements on the overall list work synergistically to provide additional liver support. Liver and kidney support is an absolute must to continue throughout the entire process as they will work overtime and must be kept in top shape.

A major part of my detox program were two energy-based systems: Spooky2’s Terrain protocol (which is designed specifically for that, as preparation for subsequent healing work) and several weeks of PEMF sessions (AmpCoil). I also used Russian baths and a home infrared sauna.

Normalize the gut and get rid of parasites

Once you truly understand that 60-80% of your immune system lives in your gut, you will never view it the same way again. The small intestine serves to absorb nutrients. The large intestine, on the other hand, is mostly a waste factory. And, boy, the amounts of waste we have there!

First, eliminate food sensitivities. These accumulate and have a deleterious long-term effect. Find a practitioner who is able to test for these or use a good home kit.

Next, cleanse the gut. As a minimum, buy an enema kit and do one at least every other day, and preferably every day. If you have access to a colonics clinic or, better yet, proper hydrotherapy where the practitioner can do abdominal massage to identify and correct blockages and other abnormalities in the intestinal system — do at least a few of these sessions.

Other approaches to cleanse the intestinal tract are:

  • Food grade diatomaceous earth: This kills parasites like few other things do. Half a teaspoon in a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning. Be careful not to inhale the powder when mixing.
  • Fenbendazole or mebendazole (if you have access to the latter): Anti-parasitic and anti-cancer for several different types of cancer. One packet a day with oil and pepper, three days on, four days off, for 6-12 weeks. Add cimetidine (800-1200mg) to increase fenbendazole’s ability to fight cancer. The dosage of the active ingredient (fenbendazole) can be increased to 1200-2000 mg a day for serious situations (compared to the 222 mg in the product linked above).
  • Ivermectin (prescription from a telehealth doctor or order from India): Also anti-parasitic and anti-cancer. 24-30 mg a day, five days on, two off, after finishing fenbendazole. Not sure if they can be taken at the same time — perhaps something to (carefully) experiment with.
  • Extract (boiled for a few minutes) of wormwood, cloves, oregano, garlic, and onion: All of these are strong anti-parasitics.

Once mostly cleansed, take a high-quality probiotic and continue alternating green coffee and chamomile enemas (two-three times a week at this stage). And no, enemas do not purge your good flora every time you do them since colonic water cannot go into the small intestine (due to a one-way valve between the small and large intestines), and the small intestine is where the microflora mostly lives.

Remove heavy metals and other toxins

Everyone has heavy metals and other toxicity in their bodies. Whether it’s mercury from fish, lead from the environment, EMF radiation from cell phones and cell phone antennas, glyphosate and other pesticides from food — you have it.

Use the following to cleanse your body of them:

  • Heavy metals:
    • EDTA chelation
    • Sweating/Hot saunas
    • Liposomal Glutathione
    • Spirulina and Chlorella
    • Bentonite or zeolite clays
    • Humic/Fulvic Minerals
    • Hydrogen Water
    • Cilantro
    • Metal-Chord
    • PEMF/Rife/Scalar
  • Pesticides:
    • Sweating/Hot saunas
    • Liposomal Glutathione
    • Spirulina and Chlorella
    • Bentonite or zeolite clays
    • Hydrogen Water
    • Isopathic Phenolic Rings: 10 drops 3 times a day for 2 months.
    • Glycine
    • PEMF/Rife/Scalar
  • Infections:
    • Thymosin Alpha 1 injections
    • Cat’s Claw
    • Noni
    • PEMF/Rife/Scalar
  • EMF radiation:
    • PEMF/Rife/Scalar, S.O.D., and general detox.
  • Dr. Lynn Fynn‘s recommendations for detox:
    • Vinyl Chloride: PQQ, SOD, NAC or Glutathione
    • Nitric Oxide: Hydroxo B12 and SOD or PQQ
    • Formaldehyde: NAC or Glutathione (best)
    • Chlorine: NAC or Glutathione (best)
    • Mercury: NAC or Glutathione (best)
    • Nitrogen Dioxide: SOD and Bicarbonates
    • Aldehydes: Thiamine
    • Plastics: NAC, DIM, Calcium D-Glucarate, Glutathione
  • General detox: Saunas; Citrus pectin/Pectasol; Chlorella; Spirulina; Dandelion tea; Hibiscus tea; Burdock.

Fortify your immune system

This should happen more or less naturally due to all the supplements and procedures that you will be doing, including detox, oxygenation, an improved diet, taking adaptogens and all the other supplements, and so on. You can, however, also take targeted medicines or supplements to give your immune system a direct boost, such as AHCC and Vitamin C, or Thymosin Alpha 1 and LL-37 injections (the latter two are by prescription).

An under-appreciated, yet extremely important, restorer of the immune system is sleep. You need to be able to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. However, if you have sleep issues, this is a lot easier said than done. You can try melatonin (10-15 mg before bed), indica-based cannabis strains, massage or warm (not hot) baths before bed, meditation to calm your mind, blue light blockers and getting off electronic devices 2-3 hours before bed, or any of the many home remedies recommended for a good night’s sleep. Near infra-red devices have an important benefit for anyone fighting cancer: they increase melatonin production, which not only helps you sleep, but — possibly more importantly — improves mitochondrial support; considering that all cancers have mitochondrial dysfunction at their core, getting our mitochondria back to normal should be one of our highest priorities.

Oxygenate and alkalize

Both oxygenation and alkalization are critical ingredients in defeating cancer. Cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment, and they cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Use some of the ideas below to achieve both.


  • The easiest way to flood your body with large amounts of oxygen is through IV ozone therapy. The best option is EBO2 (also called EBOO); next best is Ten-pass. Depending on where you live (e.g., New York), you may not want to tell the practitioner what you need it for as some will literally kick you out if you tell them it’s for cancer. One or two sessions a week for several weeks. Stay well away if you have G6PD deficiency.
  • IV Vitamin C, between 25 grams to 75 grams per session, a couple of times a week for several weeks. Same warning as for oxygen/ozone if you have G6PD deficiency.
  • Exercise. Physical exercise for at least 20-30 minutes every day that causes some exertion is a must regardless of any ozone or vitamin C therapies as it serves many other functions besides oxygenation — increasing production of a multitude of beneficial hormones, for instance, or moving lymph through the body, thus helping white blood cells get where they need to go to attack cancer cells, or triggering a host of other processes throughout the body that help it get back to health. If you have G6PD deficiency and have never done strenuous exercise before, be careful with your workouts as too much oxidative stress can trigger severe hemolytic anemia, with internal hemorrhaging, renal failure, and other less than pleasant consequences. People with G6PD should also not do ozone or vitamin C therapies.
  • If you cannot do strenuous exercise for any reason, use a trampoline to bounce at least 20-30 minutes a day.
  • Pay attention to your breathing throughout the day. Make sure to breathe deep and slow. This not only results in better oxygenation, but also in alkalization.


Doctors will tell you that you cannot raise the pH of the blood as it must stay in a very narrow range, and that there is no relation whatsoever between the pH level of your urine and your blood. This is BS.

While it is true that the blood’s pH must stay in a narrow range, first of all, blood pH and intracellular pH are different, even if slightly, and you want your intracellular pH to be alkaline (7.5-8). Secondly, the function of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood. This means that if the blood is too acidic, the kidneys will remove the excess acid, which will then be excreted with urine, thus obviously turning the urine’s pH acidic. The same is true in reverse: elevating the blood’s pH will also make your urine alkaline, so the urine is most certainly a direct indication of the body’s pH level.

Alkalization can be achieved via two routes: digestive tract and breathing. Deep breathing alkalizes the body faster than food or drink, however, the latter have more pronounced and longer lasting effects.

  • Green juice 3 times a day (at least 1 liter total, preferably twice that). This is the best and most natural way to alkalize your body, in addition to triggering multiple epigenetic changes that produce cancer-fighting substances in the body.
  • Pure Synergy Superfood is a true superfood, and an interesting side effect that I discovered through practice is that it alkalizes the body. A teaspoon in each drink (three times a day) is all it takes.
  • High pH water. These days many stores sell alkaline water with pH of 8 or 9.5. Drink this water throughout the day instead of regular (even filtered) water.
  • Baking soda. If green juice does not accomplish the target alkalinity by itself, add baking soda to your protocol. Half a teaspoon in a glass of water on an empty stomach. I cannot stress enough that the stomach must be empty; this means at least half an hour before anything else, and at least 2 hours after any meal. This will probably limit most people to twice a day (upon awakening and before going to bed), but this should be sufficient. If there is food still in the stomach, the reaction of baking soda with the stomach acid may cause massive amounts of gas to be released which, in the worst cases, can cause severe damage to the stomach that will take you weeks to recuperate from. If you have large meals or the food takes a while to digest, take a digestive (pancreatic) enzyme at the end of a meal — this will significantly speed up the digestion process.
  • Morning pH is usually fairly acidic, which is not great — you want your body fighting cancer as you sleep on as many fronts as you can (RSO, LDN, Artemisinin, high pH etc.) as this is when it’s most active. As an alternative to baking soda before bed (and better for your health, too), chew a few tablets of spirulina (or just take it in powder form, mixed with a little water) before going to bed.
  • Test your urine with pH strips (available in any pharmacy) at least two-three times during the day — upon awakening, after breakfast or lunch, and before bed. It should be 7.5 and higher most of the day.

Target cancer pathways

All cancers are the same in the sense that the immune system is compromised, and thus all these steps are valid for any type of cancer. However, different types of cancer are more sensitive to certain treatments and not at all to others (which work on other types of cancer). It is helpful to adapt your approach to your specific type. For instance, vitamin E is great as a cancer preventative, yet should supposedly be avoided if a person already has cancer — of any type (according to Jane McLelland), although the newest research appears to differentiate between tocopherols (which are contraindicated with cancer) and tocotrienols (which seem to be fine). On the other hand, hormone-driven cancers (e.g., prostate) are stimulated by choline and thus you need to exclude eggs and chicken from your diet. Glutathione (a powerful antioxidant) is supposedly not good for lymphomas; and so on.

Furthermore, you need to use all possible pathways that will attack cancer’s ability to grow and spread — e.g., inhibiting cell proliferation, causing apoptosis, preventing angiogenesis, etc. — and the best way to do this is to take supplements that can target multiple pathways, such as turmeric and EGCG.

You can think of the pathway-tuned approach more concretely as targeting specific genes that turn on or off desirable or undesirable proteins, e.g., TGFβ-1 which is an important cancer-fighting protein and is expressed by the gene TGFB1 that can be triggered by EGCG and vitamin D3. The good news is that a well-thought out supplement regimen is synergistic and will target multiple DNA pathways to attack cancer on multiple fronts.

Restore the body’s balance

All of the above actions, plus a well-chosen set of supplements, green juices, and proper nutrition will gradually restore the body’s natural balance and begin the process of healing. However, if you have access to and can afford additional modalities, they will harmonize and optimize the body’s systems faster.

Things to look into:

  • Rife technology: Invented by Royal Raymond Rife in 1930s, these plasma devices display spectacular results with cancer and other conditions. There are several manufacturers that I’m aware of that make plasma-based Rife machines: True Rife, GB4000 (Plasma unit sold separately, but it’s effective even without it), Spooky2, Resonant Light, and Theraphi (although the latter two don’t call themselves Rife so it’s possible they’re based on a different technology).
  • Scalar energy: There are several manufacturers of these systems and centers exist that employ their devices, showing pretty impressive results for all sorts of conditions. Visit the CyberScan website for an example that appears to produce great results. Contact information for CyberScan is here. (Note: I removed EESystem from this list as its results appear to be temporary and inconsistent.)
  • Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field: PEMF devices operate on an entirely different paradigm, but also work towards the same goal of cleansing and harmonizing the body. Some of them, e.g. AmpCoil, are capable of producing fairly accurate diagnostic results from a person’s voice print — simply by analyzing vibrations in a person’s voice as he/she dictates a couple of minutes’ worth of text.
  • Bio-Resonance/Biofeedback Technology: Based on the same underlying idea of using frequency and energy as the other three entries above, these devices are nevertheless different and can do both diagnostics and treatment. One is CyberScan; another is Sensitiv Imago (different technologies). There are others, however, I unfortunately did not save their names. These systems are harder to find, although Dr. Smith’s center in Pennsylvania has both a CyberScan unit and a Theraphi one for the best of all worlds.
  • Energy Healing: If you know someone who practices Reiki or another energy healing modality, try to make use of it. What happens in the physical body first happens in the body’s energetic template. Distortions in the physical body always go hand-in-hand with distortions in the energy body. Drink blessed water, ask for prayers, and request energy healing when possible.

Do not fly blind

You need to know what’s going on in your body. Cancers wreak havoc on the entire body, throwing multiple important blood markers off their normal levels, sometimes dangerously so. You need to adjust to the situation at hand and add/remove supplementation as necessary.

Run frequent — monthly — basic blood tests, such as the Complete Blood Count (CBC with Platelets/Differential), which shows Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, and other important blood counts; Complete Metabolic Panel; Lipid Panel; Thyroid Panel; as well as other tests that are indicated for your condition — e.g., LDH for lymphomas and so on.


Proper nutrition is a massively important component of a comprehensive cancer-fighting plan. Cancer is a lifestyle disease and requires significant changes to one’s lifestyle. Food is most certainly one of the primary items on that list. Here are some thoughts to consider:

  • Water: Municipal water is contaminated with hundreds of chemicals, metals, and pesticides, usually many times the allowable limits. Use clean water, preferably filtered via reverse osmosis or a countertop filter like ZeroWater or ClearlyFiltered — two of very few countertop filters that do a good job at producing clean water. High pH water sold in stores is also a great option as it provides an alkaline environment.
  • Green salads: Large portions at every meal, with generous amounts of apple cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. Each portion should include at least a cup of broccoli sprouts that you should make at home from seeds using a glass jar and a sprouting lid. Broccoli sprouts are powerful cancer fighters, especially with some mustard to activate the main ingredient. Also add a clove or two of black fermented garlic — another powerful cancer fighter. An easy way to consume a lot more of green salad than if you just chopped up the vegetables is to throw the veggies into a food processor for a few seconds — this reduces a large heap of greens into a much smaller volume, allowing you to eat a lot more.
  • Very small amounts of protein: avocado, up to 1/4 cup of nuts (pistachios), wild caught salmon, sardines (in water), egg yolk, organic pasture-raised (not free-range) chicken.
  • No carbs except berries — blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, pomegranates, etc. — and (if absolutely necessary) some quinoa or wild rice.
  • Cruciferous veggies with every meal.
  • Teas: Jason Winters; dandelion; hibiscus.
  • Fats: liberal amounts of MCT oil and olive oil; coconut oil; ghee.
  • Fermented foods: sauerkraut, kimchi, other fermented veggies, kefir.
  • Soursop fruit and soursop leaves tea (2-3 hours apart from CoQ10).

Additional thoughts

Electromagnetic radiation is a significant source of tissue damage these days, especially for people who live in large cities as most of them live in close proximity to cell phone antennas (less than 300 yards/meters) and use cell phones and WiFi all the time. All of the above will take care of repairing EMF damage to your cells, however, you also need to keep it that way. As a minimum, turn off your router overnight, put your cell phone on airplane mode or in another room. If you have cell phone towers within less than 100 yards and even generally directed at your home, move immediately. Use aluminum foil or EMF-shielding fabric to protect your sleeping area (e.g., under the bedsheet and behind the headboard).

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. CR

    I wonder if you’re familiar with the QRS PEMF?

  2. Unknown

    I haven’t heard of QRS before (I assume it’s, but it looks interesting. All PEMF tech, as I understand, has the same NASA/space-based research as its foundation, although with wide variations in implementation details. I’ve seen good results with Ampcoil, so that’s why I mentioned it, but I’m sure there are others that are well worth looking into.

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